Monday, December 8, 2014

Psst ..

As you would know, I am terrible at keeping secrets but boy have I been keeping a doozey, and for ages, what seems like forever!  I'm now able to spill soooo .. are you ready for it? Here goes ..

I'm a 2015 Scrapbooking Memories Master!!!

I know .. squeal and jump up and down with excitement yes? Yes! I've not entered the Masters competition before. But this year, as well as receiving a tremendous amount of support and encouragement from my scrapping friends to do so, I was mega inspired by the challenges and so I thought "why not?". Plus I had 'a feeling'. So did my scrapping buddy and head cheerleader, Sandy. So I did. When I was finished with my entries I can honestly say that I felt as though I had done my best scrapbooking ever. Whatever the result, I was happy, more than happy, thrilled, with what I had created.

Come Monday, the 1st of September when the Masters would be notified, I realised just how badly I wanted to succeed. I don't remember what time in the morning I was called by the editor but I do remember that some time before she called, the phone rang. GB was in the kitchen and I was scrapping (funny about that huh?!) and my heart fell into my stomach. Literally! It was my dad! OMG ROFL!!!!!! I quickly, albeit politely and with much love, got rid of him (LOL) and went back to my scrapping.

After my dad's call my heart was pounding and I barely breathed for what seemed like forever. Not that long later my mobile phone rang, which was odd as the people who would ordinarily ring me on my mobile were at work and GB was in the kitchen. I looked at the number. It was a "02" area code. "Nooooo" I thought LOL! I answered the phone and this is sort of what transpired ..

Me .. tentative hello

Caller .. is that Alison Callcott?

Me .. a slow yes

Caller .. hi this is Vanessa from Scrapbooking Memories

Me .. pause .. umm .. even longer pause .. long, drawn out yes

Vanessa .. I'm calling to let you know that you're a Master (or words to that effect)

Me .. very, very long pause then .. really? .. OMG! .. squeal!! .. ramble, ramble, ramble, and then ramble some more LOL!!!

I believe Vanessa received nine other somewhat similar responses to her calls that day LOL!!!  ;)

So its with a huge amount of pleasure that I announce I'm one of the ten 2015 Scrapbooking Memories Masters. The Masters magazine goes on sale on the 18th of December. I sooooooooo can't wait to see it!!!

I am beyond thrilled, honoured, excited and humbled to be a Master and I hope you'll join me on my Master's journey next year.

PS: Has it sunk in yet? Yes! On the Monday they notify you of the good news, then on the Tuesday they put you to work LOL and I'm loving it!   :P


  1. Wow, Awesome Alz!!!!! Over the moon for you. Congratulations. You really deserve it, can't wait to get the mag to see what you have created.

  2. Well done, have a wonderful year and well deserved too..

  3. That is so awesome Alz!!!! Congratulations chicky! xoxo
